
xbrl:fact*=f:notes( $fact as xbrl:fact, $link-group as xs:anyURI?)

Last updated on 25-05-2023 at 00:00:00.

Returns text footnotes linked to a fact, optionally filtered to the specified link group.

OIM 1.0

OIM Status

Exclusive - this function is only available in OIM Mode


Name Type Details
fact xbrl:fact The fact to obtain footnotes for.
link-group xs:anyURI? If specified, only footnotes linked to the fact in the specified link group will be returned. If omitted, or an empty sequence, footnotes for all link groups will be returned.


Type: xbrl:fact*

Returns the text footnotes associated with fact, optionally filtered by link-group. The footnotes are returned as xbrl:fact objects using the xbrl:note concept. If link-group is specified, then the order of the returned values reflects the order of the footnotes in the "target facts" property of relevant link group component; otherwise, the order of the returned values is not specified.


Name Affiliation Email Start End
Paul Warren XBRL International pdw@xbrl.org 25-05-2023 at 00:00:00