Functions Registry

Last updated on 2024-02-20.


This registry contains one entry per XBRL function. All values returned by functions defined in this registry have their runtime types set according to their XML Schema type.
Added Status Number OIM Signature
2023-05-25 CR 100010 exclusive

f:period( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:string?

2023-05-25 CR 100011 exclusive

f:period-type( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:string?

2023-05-25 CR 100012 exclusive

f:period-is-instant( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:boolean

2023-05-25 CR 100013 exclusive

f:period-is-duration( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:boolean

2023-05-25 CR 100014 exclusive

f:period-start( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:dateTime

2023-05-25 CR 100015 exclusive

f:period-end( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:dateTime

2023-05-25 CR 100016 exclusive

f:period-instant( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:dateTime

2023-05-25 CR 100020 exclusive

f:has-dimension( $fact as xbrl:fact, $dimension as xs:QName) returns xs:boolean

2023-05-25 CR 100021 exclusive

f:dimension-value( $fact as xbrl:fact, $dimension as xs:QName) returns xs:anyType?

2023-05-25 CR 100022 exclusive

f:taxonomy-defined-dimensions( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:QName?

2023-05-25 CR 100030 exclusive

f:notes( $fact as xbrl:fact, $link-group as xs:anyURI?) returns xbrl:fact*

2023-05-25 CR 100031 exclusive

f:linked-facts( $fact as xbrl:fact, $link-group as xs:anyURI?, $link-type as xs:anyURI?) returns xbrl:fact*

2023-05-25 CR 100040 exclusive

f:entity-identifier( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:token?

2023-05-25 CR 100041 exclusive

f:entity-scheme( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:anyURI?

2023-05-25 CR 100042 exclusive

f:entity( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:string?

2023-05-25 CR 100050 exclusive

f:unit-numerators( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:QName*

2023-05-25 CR 100051 exclusive

f:unit-denominators( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:QName*

2023-05-25 CR 100052 exclusive

f:unit( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:string

2023-05-25 CR 100060 exclusive

f:decimals( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:integer?

2023-05-25 CR 100061 exclusive

f:id( $fact as xbrl:fact) returns xs:string

2023-05-25 CR 110010 exclusive

r:distinct-dimension-values( $dimension as xs:QName) returns xs:anyType*

2023-05-25 CR 110011 exclusive

r:default-dimension-value( $dimension as xs:QName) returns xs:QName*

2023-05-25 CR 110012 exclusive

r:defaulted-dimensions() returns xs:QName*

2023-05-25 CR 110020 exclusive

r:taxonomy() returns xs:anyURI+

2023-05-25 CR 110030 supported

r:parse-clark( $clark-value as xs:string) returns (xs:anyURI, xs:token)

2023-05-25 CR 110031 supported

r:prefixed-string( $clark-string as xs:string, $namespace-map as xs:string*) returns xs:string

2023-05-25 CR 110040 supported

r:entity-string-scheme( $clark-value as xs:string) returns xs:anyURI

2023-05-25 CR 110041 supported

r:entity-string-identifier( $clark-value as xs:string) returns xs:token

2023-05-25 CR 110050 supported

r:period-string-start( $period as xs:string) returns xs:dateTime

2023-05-25 CR 110051 supported

r:period-string-end( $period as xs:string) returns xs:dateTime

2023-05-25 CR 110060 supported

r:unit-string-numerators( $unit-string as xs:string) returns xs:QName+

2023-05-25 CR 110061 supported

r:unit-string-denominators( $unit-string as xs:string) returns xs:QName*

2023-05-25 CR 110062 supported

r:prefixed-unit-string( $unit-string as xs:string, $namespace-map as xs:string*) returns xs:string

2023-05-25 CR 110070 exclusive

r:facts() returns xbrl:fact*

2023-05-25 CR 110071 exclusive

r:non-nil-facts() returns xbrl:fact*

2023-05-25 CR 110072 exclusive

r:fact-with-id() returns xbrl:fact

2018-10-29 REC 31001 supported

xfm:pi() returns xs:double

2018-10-29 REC 31002 supported

xfm:exp( $arg as xs:double?) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31003 supported

xfm:exp10( $arg as xs:double?) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31004 supported

xfm:log( $arg as xs:double?) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31005 supported

xfm:log10( $arg as xs:double?) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31006 supported

xfm:pow( $x as xs:double?, $y as numeric) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31007 supported

xfm:sqrt( $arg as xs:double?) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31008 supported

xfm:sin( $θ as xs:double?) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31009 supported

xfm:cos( $θ as xs:double?) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31010 supported

xfm:tan( $θ as xs:double?) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31011 supported

xfm:asin( $arg as xs:double?) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31012 supported

xfm:acos( $arg as xs:double?) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31013 supported

xfm:atan( $arg as xs:double?) returns xs:double?

2018-10-29 REC 31014 supported

xfm:atan2( $y as xs:double, $x as xs:double) returns xs:double

2008-01-23 REC 80101 unsupported

xfi:context( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns element(xbrli:context)

2008-02-14 REC 80102 unsupported

xfi:unit( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns element(xbrli:unit)?

2008-02-14 REC 80103 unsupported

xfi:unit-numerator( $unit as element(xbrli:unit)) returns element(xbrli:measure)+

2008-02-14 REC 80104 unsupported

xfi:unit-denominator( $unit as element(xbrli:unit)) returns element(xbrli:measure)*

2008-02-14 REC 80105 unsupported

xfi:measure-name( $unit as element(xbrli:measure)) returns xs:QName

2008-02-14 REC 80120 unsupported

xfi:period( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns element(xbrli:period)

2008-03-13 REC 80121 unsupported

xfi:context-period( $context as element(xbrli:context)) returns element(xbrli:period)

2008-03-13 REC 80122 unsupported

xfi:is-start-end-period( $period as element(xbrli:period)) returns xs:boolean

2008-02-14 REC 80123 unsupported

xfi:is-forever-period( $period as element(xbrli:period)) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80124 unsupported

xfi:is-duration-period( $period as element(xbrli:period)) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80125 unsupported

xfi:is-instant-period( $period as element(xbrli:period)) returns xs:boolean

2008-01-23 REC 80126 unsupported

xfi:period-start( $period as element(xbrli:period)) returns xs:dateTime

2008-01-23 REC 80127 unsupported

xfi:period-end( $period as element(xbrli:period)) returns xs:dateTime

2008-01-23 REC 80129 unsupported

xfi:period-instant( $period as element(xbrli:period)) returns xs:dateTime

2008-03-13 REC 80130 unsupported

xfi:entity( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns element(xbrli:entity)

2008-03-13 REC 80131 unsupported

xfi:context-entity( $context as element(xbrli:context)) returns element(xbrli:entity)

2008-02-14 REC 80132 unsupported

xfi:identifier( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns element(xbrli:identifier)

2008-03-13 REC 80133 unsupported

xfi:context-identifier( $context as element(xbrli:context)) returns element(xbrli:identifier)

2008-03-13 REC 80134 unsupported

xfi:entity-identifier( $entity as element(xbrli:entity)) returns element(xbrli:identifier)

2008-02-14 REC 80135 unsupported

xfi:identifier-value( $identifier as element(xbrli:identifier)) returns xs:token

2008-02-14 REC 80136 unsupported

xfi:identifier-scheme( $identifier-scheme as element(xbrli:identifier)) returns xs:anyURI

2008-02-14 REC 80137 unsupported

xfi:segment( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns element(xbrli:segment)?

2008-03-13 REC 80138 unsupported

xfi:entity-segment( $entity as element(xbrli:entity)) returns element(xbrli:segment)?

2008-03-13 REC 80139 unsupported

xfi:context-segment( $context as element(xbrli:context)) returns element(xbrli:segment)?

2008-02-14 REC 80140 unsupported

xfi:scenario( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns element(xbrli:scenario)?

2008-03-13 REC 80141 unsupported

xfi:context-scenario( $context as element(xbrli:context)) returns element(xbrli:scenario)?

2009-03-25 REC 80142 deprecated

xfi:fact-identifier-value( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns xs:token

2009-03-25 REC 80143 deprecated

xfi:fact-identifier-scheme( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns xs:anyURI

2008-02-08 REC 80150 supported

xfi:is-non-numeric( $concept as xs:QName) returns xs:boolean

2008-02-08 REC 80151 supported

xfi:is-numeric( $concept as xs:QName) returns xs:boolean

2008-02-08 REC 80152 deprecated

xfi:is-fraction( $concept as xs:QName) returns xs:boolean

2008-02-08 REC 80153 deprecated

xfi:precision( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns xs:anyAtomicType

2008-04-05 REC 80154 deprecated

xfi:decimals( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns xs:anyAtomicType

2009-11-19 REC 80155 supported

xff:uncovered-aspect( $aspect as xs:token, $dimension as xs:QName?) returns xs:anyType?

2011-07-08 REC 80156 supported

xff:has-fallback-value( $variable as xs:QName) returns xs:boolean

2011-07-18 REC 80157 supported

xff:uncovered-non-dimensional-aspects() returns xs:token*

2011-07-18 REC 80158 supported

xff:uncovered-dimensional-aspects() returns xs:QName*

2008-02-14 REC 80200 unsupported

xfi:identical-nodes( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-02-14 REC 80201 unsupported

xfi:s-equal( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80202 unsupported

xfi:u-equal( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80203 unsupported

xfi:v-equal( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80204 unsupported

xfi:c-equal( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80205 unsupported

xfi:identical-node-set( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80206 unsupported

xfi:s-equal-set( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80207 unsupported

xfi:v-equal-set( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80208 unsupported

xfi:c-equal-set( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80209 unsupported

xfi:u-equal-set( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80210 unsupported

xfi:x-equal( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80211 unsupported

xfi:duplicate-item( $left as schema-element(xbrli:item), $right as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80212 unsupported

xfi:duplicate-tuple( $left as schema-element(xbrli:tuple), $right as schema-element(xbrli:tuple)) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80213 unsupported

xfi:p-equal( $left as element()+, $right as element()+) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80214 unsupported

xfi:cu-equal( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80215 unsupported

xfi:pc-equal( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 80216 unsupported

xfi:pcu-equal( $left as node()*, $right as node()*) returns xs:boolean

2008-10-30 REC 80217 unsupported

xfi:start-equal( $left as xbrli:dateUnion, $right as xbrli:dateUnion) returns xs:boolean

2008-10-30 REC 80218 unsupported

xfi:end-equal( $left as xbrli:dateUnion, $right as xbrli:dateUnion) returns xs:boolean

2020-08-01 REC 80300 deprecated

xfi:taxonomy-refs() returns xs:anyURI+

2020-08-01 REC 80301 unsupported

xfi:any-identifier() returns xbrli:identifier*

2020-08-01 REC 80302 unsupported

xfi:unique-identifiers() returns xbrli:identifier*

2020-08-01 REC 80303 supported

xfi:single-unique-identifier() returns xs:boolean

2020-08-01 REC 80304 unsupported

xfi:any-start-date() returns xs:dateTime?

2020-08-01 REC 80305 supported

xfi:unique-start-dates() returns xs:dateTime*

2020-08-01 REC 80306 supported

xfi:single-unique-start-date() returns xs:boolean

2020-08-01 REC 80307 deprecated

xfi:any-end-date() returns xs:dateTime?

2020-08-01 REC 80308 supported

xfi:unique-end-dates() returns xs:dateTime*

2020-08-01 REC 80309 supported

xfi:single-unique-end-date() returns xs:boolean

2020-08-01 REC 80310 unsupported

xfi:any-instant-date() returns xs:dateTime?

2020-08-01 REC 80311 supported

xfi:unique-instant-dates() returns xs:dateTime*

2020-08-01 REC 80312 supported

xfi:single-unique-instant-date() returns xs:boolean

2020-08-01 REC 80360 supported

xfi:positive-filing-indicators() returns xs:string*

2020-08-01 REC 80361 supported

xfi:negative-filing-indicators() returns xs:string*

2020-08-01 REC 80362 supported

xfi:positive-filing-indicator( $filing-indicator as xs:string) returns xs:boolean

2020-08-01 REC 80363 supported

xfi:negative-filing-indicator( $filing-indicator as xs:string) returns xs:boolean

2008-03-13 REC 90104 unsupported

xfi:items-in-tuple( $tuple as element(xbrli:tuple)) returns element(xbrli:item)*

2008-03-13 REC 90105 unsupported

xfi:tuples-in-tuple( $tuple as element(xbrli:tuple)) returns element(xbrli:tuple)*

2008-02-04 REC 90201 supported

xfi:concept-balance( $concept-name as xs:QName) returns xs:string

2008-02-04 REC 90202 supported

xfi:concept-period-type( $concept-name as xs:QName) returns xs:string

2008-02-04 REC 90203 supported

xfi:concept-custom-attribute( $concept-name as xs:QName, $attribute-name as xs:QName) returns xs:anyAtomicType?

2008-02-05 REC 90204 supported

xfi:concept-data-type( $concept as xs:QName) returns xs:QName?

2008-02-20 REC 90205 supported

xfi:concept-data-type-derived-from( $concept as xs:QName, $reference-data-type as xs:QName) returns xs:boolean

2008-02-05 REC 90206 supported

xfi:concept-substitutions( $concept-name as xs:QName) returns xs:QName+

2008-09-02 REC 90213 supported

xfi:filter-member-network-selection( $dimension as xs:QName, $member as xs:QName, $linkrole as xs:string, $arcrole as xs:string, $axis as xs:string) returns xs:QName*

2008-02-05 REC 90304 unsupported

xfi:fact-segment-remainder( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns element(*)*

2008-02-05 REC 90305 unsupported

xfi:fact-scenario-remainder( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns element(*)*

2008-09-02 REC 90306 deprecated

xfi:fact-has-explicit-dimension( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item), $dimension as xs:QName) returns xs:boolean

2008-09-02 REC 90307 deprecated

xfi:fact-has-typed-dimension( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item), $dimension as xs:QName) returns xs:boolean

2008-09-02 REC 90308 deprecated

xfi:fact-has-explicit-dimension-value( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item), $dimension as xs:QName, $member as xs:QName) returns xs:boolean

2008-09-02 REC 90309 deprecated

xfi:fact-explicit-dimension-value( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item), $dimension as xs:QName) returns xs:QName?

2008-09-02 REC 90310 unsupported

xfi:fact-typed-dimension-value( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item), $dimension as xs:QName) returns element(xbrldi:typedMember)?

2012-06-07 REC 90311 deprecated

xfi:fact-explicit-dimensions( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns xs:QName*

2012-06-07 REC 90312 deprecated

xfi:fact-typed-dimensions( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item)) returns xs:QName*

2020-08-01 REC 90313 deprecated

xfi:fact-typed-dimension-simple-value( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item), $dimension as xs:QName) returns xs:anyAtomicType?

2008-09-02 REC 90403 unsupported

xfi:fact-dimension-s-equal2( $left-item as schema-element(xbrli:item), $right-item as schema-element(xbrli:item), $dimension-name as xs:QName) returns xs:boolean

2008-12-12 REC 90501 supported

xfi:linkbase-link-roles( $arcrole as xs:string) returns xs:anyURI*

2008-12-12 REC 90503 supported

xfi:concept-label( $concept as xs:QName, $linkrole as xs:string?, $labelrole as xs:string?, $lang as xs:string) returns xs:string

2008-12-12 REC 90504 supported

xfi:arcrole-definition( $arcrole as xs:string) returns xs:string?

2008-12-12 REC 90505 supported

xfi:role-definition( $role as xs:string) returns xs:string?

2008-12-12 REC 90506 unsupported

xfi:fact-footnotes( $fact as element(), $linkrole as xs:string?, $arcrole as xs:string?, $footnoterole as xs:string?, $lang as xs:string) returns xs:string*

2009-10-26 REC 90507 supported

xfi:concept-relationships( $source as xs:QName, $linkrole as xs:string?, $arcrole as xs:string, $axis as xs:string, $generations as xs:nonNegativeInteger?, $linkname as xs:QName?, $arcname as xs:QName?) returns xfi:relationship.type*

2009-10-26 REC 90508 supported

xfi:relationship-from-concept( $relationship as xfi:relationship.type) returns xs:QName

2009-10-26 REC 90509 supported

xfi:relationship-to-concept( $relationship as xfi:relationship.type) returns xs:QName

2009-11-04 REC 90510 supported

xfi:distinct-nonAbstract-parent-concepts( $linkrole as xs:string?, $arcrole as xs:string) returns xs:QName*

2010-03-08 REC 90511 supported

xfi:relationship-attribute( $relationship as xfi:relationship.type, $attribute as xs:QName) returns xs:anyType?

2010-03-08 REC 90512 supported

xfi:relationship-link-attribute( $relationship as xfi:relationship.type, $attribute as xs:QName) returns xs:anyType?

2010-03-08 REC 90513 supported

xfi:relationship-name( $relationship as xfi:relationship.type) returns xs:QName

2010-03-08 REC 90514 supported

xfi:relationship-link-name( $relationship as xfi:relationship.type) returns xs:QName

2009-12-13 REC 90701 supported

xfi:format-number( $value as numeric?, $picture as xs:string) returns xs:string

2023-11-01 CR 90800 supported

xfi:distinct-entity-strings() returns xs:string*