
xs:string?=f:entity( $fact as xbrl:fact)

Last updated on 25-05-2023 at 00:00:00.

Returns the entity for a fact in Clark notation.

OIM 1.0

OIM Status

Exclusive - this function is only available in OIM Mode


Name Type Details
fact xbrl:fact The fact to obtain the entity for.


Type: xs:string?

The Entity Core Dimension for fact, expressed using Clark notation with the scheme property as a namespace URI, and the identifier property as the local part. Note that this is not strictly Clark notation, as the local part is not constrained to be an NCName. This function returns an empty sequence if fact does not have the Entity Core Dimension.


Name Affiliation Email Start End
Paul Warren XBRL International pdw@xbrl.org 25-05-2023 at 00:00:00