
xs:anyType*=r:distinct-dimension-values( $dimension as xs:QName)

Last updated on 25-05-2023 at 00:00:00.

Returns the distinct values for a dimension that are used by facts in the report.

OIM 1.0

OIM Status

Exclusive - this function is only available in OIM Mode


Name Type Details
dimension xs:QName The dimension to return used values for. This can be either an OIM Core Dimensions and Taxonomy-defined Dimensions.


Type: xs:anyType*

A sequence of distinct values for dimension that appear on facts in the report. In the case of an explicit taxonomy-defined dimension, this will not include any default values. The order of the returned values is not specified.


Code Details
re:invalidDimension Error thrown if the specified QName does not correspond to either an OIM Core Dimension, or a taxonomy-defined dimension defined in the DTS of the report.


Name Affiliation Email Start End
Paul Warren XBRL International pdw@xbrl.org 25-05-2023 at 00:00:00