
xs:boolean=xfi:s-equal-set( $left as node()*, $right as node()*)

Last updated on 06-03-2008 at 22:40:00.

Sets are formed from the nodes in each sequence, removing duplicates in the process of forming sets. Returns true if for every node in the left sequence's set there is an s-equal node in the right sequence's set, and the sets have the same count of members.

XBRL 2.1 Section 4.10

OIM Status



Name Type Details
left node()* The first node or sequence of nodes.
right node()* The second node or sequence of nodes.


Type: xs:boolean

Sets are formed from the nodes in each sequence, removing duplicates in the process of forming sets. Returns true if for every node in the left sequence's set there is an s-equal node in the right sequence's set, and the sets have the same count of members.

Conformance suite

80206 xfi.s-equal-set testcase.xml [ download ]


Name Affiliation Email Start End
Herm Fischer UBMatrix / Mark V Systems fischer@markv.com 06-03-2008 at 22:40:00


Name On Details
Herm Fischer 06-03-2008 at 22:40:00 Defined the function
Herm Fischer 19-12-2012 at 15:00:00 Clarified that sets are formed from the sequences, removing duplicates in the process of forming sets, and that operation is on the members of the (deduplicated) sets.